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23. Bonus - Track 2.5


Track: 2.5

Title: Closure

Album : Blue; the first mini album

Performed by: XXXX


[Verse 1]

Still vivid in mind

All the traces and the prints

You in your faded jeans

Me and my old strings

Whenever you came home to our town



Now is the time to ask,

“How are you?”

Only for you to nod nor not

That got me tied in a knot

For a slight whisper of closure



Day one we were fine

Next days we only frowned

“Baby, don’t be scared

My hands were yours to held”

But your eyes closed the entire time

Blocking all the things that could’ve been

There could have been we

There could have been us

Me, space, you is what’s there to left


[Verse 2]

Sorry for understanding

All the horror in your stare

The short breaths when things a bit tense

But there’s the smile and the share

Whenever I took a stolen glance



When is the time to ask,

“Did and do you?”

Without you running for the hills

The silent years left me in chills

Wanting to finally get the closure



Day one we were fine

Next days we only frowned

“Baby, don’t be scared

My hands were yours to held”

But your eyes closed the entire time

Blocking all the things that could’ve been

There could have been we

There could have been us

Me, space, you is what’s there to left



At dawn, when we woke up just yet

At dusk, when we lied down in sweats

All the birthday wishes left unsaid

Weird, wild, all unimportant set

Oh, can we get them back?

Oh, can we get those days back?



Day one we were fine

Next days we only frowned

“Baby, don’t be scared

My hands were yours to held”

But your eyes closed the entire time

Blocking all the things that could’ve been

There could have been we

There could have been us

Me, space, you is what’s there to left


There could have been we

There could have been us

There could have been we

There could have been us

Oh, there could have been

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